During the times of Great depression and World War II, some of the brands flourished and were successful in their promotions with extremely over the Top approach and Screaming Headlines.
In this September 1944 National Geographic advertisement, Minneapolis Honeywell Temperature Controls sells the Post-war dreams and promises the customers that they would be able to buy Next Gen Heating and cooling systems. If we go through their promotional content which goes gaga over their advanced and state of the art technologies used in their products, it might seem like a hyperbole statement. But definitely, they are successful in grabbing eyeballs and creating sensation through the way they packaged their communication.
Similarly, with Corona virus spreading to all corners of the world, when the whole world is in a state of pandemonium owing to the outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic, it cannot be turned down that there is a possibility of looking at the situation from a different perspective. At this critical period of Covid-19 outbreak, tables can be turned and the attention of customers can be drawn through over the top, aggressive and unique promotion of legal services.
Through these forms of Advertising, we can emphasize on the uninterrupted services by legal firms. We can accentuate on the point that the legal firms are always on their toes to render their services. An image needs to be built that you are a firm that is always reliable and at the beck and call of customers, happy to serve them at sensitive and critical times. As they say, the devil is in the details.
It is all about packaging your content in an appealing and aesthetically engaging manner that will draw customers and build trust and hope regarding your services. Otherwise it can be an informative or awareness generating Ad with play of words around precautions against Covid-19 virus. And setting the right tone for the Ad is equally important to strike a chord with the customers. Props related to Corona virus control like face masks and sanitizers can be intelligently and effectively used for promotions during such times.
It is also a very important factor how you position your Ad. There are various media available to advertise the services. And it is not just about packaging the content but also choosing the right marketing mix and a proper channel to promote the service such that it gets maximum attention from the customers, especially during such sensitive times when deadly Covid-19 virus is stretching its claws throughout the world. Various media available for promoting the services are Social media sites like Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, Instagram etc.
There are also Google Ads which can be a great medium to tap the traffic to your site and for the effective promotion of the services. As you go about spreading positivity around your city, just grab your Mobile and start taking pictures. And your pictures from the Mobile and the data thus collected can help Google understand the location from which the image was taken. And add this stuff to Google My Business Page. Thus, it turns out to be advantageous to boost your rankings by integrating Google to your business through such innovative techniques.
It also helps the customers to get acquainted with your firm. They can relate themselves to your services in a better manner since your services have more presence through Google and social networking sites.
Google posts feed is a feature inside of Google My Business page. It is instrumental in keeping your key clients aware of all those factors they need to know about your company. It can be information regarding important events, ratings and reviews, timings of your firm’s functioning and how you are engaged in the community. Very least number of law firms put these Google Posts to proper use and it is alarming to know how many law firms are blissfully unaware of this Key business tool.
In the view of Covid-19 virus outbreak, when the entire world is in a mode of lockdown, it is important for your clients and customers to be aware of the timings of your firm’s functioning. So, update the timings of your firm in your Google My Business page so that the customers can have a clarity regarding the timings of your firm’s functioning.
Thus, as elucidated in the above sections, you can promote your service effectively even during sensitive times like this. So, there are certainly some ways of turning the tables and make things work in your favor. All you need is clarity, plan of action and a very clear perspective.
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